Knowing The Signs of Plumbing TroubleKnowing The Signs of Plumbing Trouble

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Knowing The Signs of Plumbing Trouble

After my house started to smell bad, I assumed that the scent was wafting from my teenager's room. Unfortunately, a careful inspection of the problem didn't turn up any results, so I knew I had a real problem on my hands. I asked a friend to come over to help me to find the source of the smell, and they immediately mentioned the smell of sewer gas. I realized that I needed to work with a professional plumber to get things resolved. I called out an expert, and they talked with me about the common signs of plumbing problems. Check out this blog to learn more yourself.


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3 Tips To Prevent Hair From Accumulating In Your Shower Drain

If you've ever dealt with a slow-draining shower or have had to pull a hunk of hair out of the shower drain, you know how much of a problem hair can cause when it accumulates in the drain. Luckily, following a few tips can help you prevent hair from accumulating there, which can make shower clean-up a whole lot easier and can help prevent clogs.

1. Brush Or Comb Your Hair Before Your Shower

Some people brush or comb their hair when they are in the shower or after they get out. However, if you brush or comb your tresses before you hop in the shower, you can get rid of loose hair that might otherwise end up in your drain. Plus, brushing your hair in the shower can cause breakage, since your hair can be more prone to breaking when it's wet. Protect both your drain and your hair by brushing or combing before you start your shower routine.

2. Add A New Drain Cover

Chances are good that your existing shower drain cover has holes that are too big, which can still allow hair to slip through. Consider checking out a local home improvement store to look for a new drain cover that has smaller holes. That will help catch hair before it goes down the drain, which can make it easier for you to remove the hair and prevent clogs after each shower.

3. Clean Your Drain Regularly

Get in the habit of removing hair from the drain cover each and every day to prevent it from slipping into the drain—and to enjoy a cleaner-looking shower. Also, use a homemade drain cleaner—you can sprinkle a handful of baking soda on top of your drain, then pour vinegar on top—to get rid of soap scum. Soap scum can cause hair to stick around in your drain, so cleaning it out regularly will keep your drain cleaner and make it less likely to clog.

Also, consider using a professional drain cleaning service on a regular basis to keep your drain moving properly and to help prevent clogs. This isn't just good for your shower—it's also smart to have the drains in your bathroom and kitchen sinks cleaned professionally, too.

As you can see, there are steps that you can take to help prevent hair from accumulating in your shower drain. Follow these tips to keep your drain free-moving and to avoid having to clean hair out of the drains.